Saturday, October 20, 2012

The word ‘father’ is not that old

Therefore, even if I am silenced every now and again, I have
decided that the voice from within will not be stifled – it
will continue to speak. I will keep my head above the forces
of evil and negativity that threaten to drown me or overwhelm
me. I will speak up for humane values and create chains of
human love and solidarity.Children don’t belong to anyone,
says OSHO
The day we accord love its highest value, the idea that
children belong to individuals, to parents, will become
meaningless. Really, children don’t belong to individuals;
they really never belong to them. There was a time when the
father was unknown, only the mother was known. That was the
age of matriarchy, when the mother was head of the family and
descent was reckoned through the female line.

The word ‘father’ is not that old; the word ‘uncle’ is
much older. ‘Mother’ is an ancient word, while ‘father’
is very new. The father really appeared on the scene when we
institutionalised marriage. The whole male population of a
tribe was father-like; only the mother of a child was known.
The whole tribe was loving to its children, and since they
belonged to none they belonged to all.

In view of the new vision of future possibilities, old
foundations of our society are not going to last any longer.
For instance, in the old world, a father was a must for a
child to be born, it will not be so in the future. In fact,
he has already become redundant. Now my sperm can be
preserved for  years after my death and it can give birth to
a child, again, years after me.
chanel purses